secured funding

There’s A Lot of Relevant History In Going To The Bond Market

By |2017-01-23T12:27:38-05:00January 23rd, 2017|Currencies, Economy, Federal Reserve/Monetary Policy, Markets|

For Ben Bernanke, characterizing a successful tenure is exceedingly hard. Afterward writing a memoir about his time at the Fed, however, made such a task a necessary one. Given so few options from which to define his legacy, the former Chairman decided very carefully about how to frame his efforts. And still all he could come up with was a [...]

China RRR: Surprise But No Surprise

By |2017-01-20T12:36:00-05:00January 20th, 2017|Currencies, Economy, Federal Reserve/Monetary Policy, Markets|

The amount of liquidity being added to the big Chinese banks has been astounding. The vast majority of it is coming from the PBOC itself. In July 2015, just before everything broke, PBOC funding of the Big 4 State-Owned Banks was less than RMB 100 billion. As of the latest figures for December 2016, it was RMB 1.17 trillion. In [...]

Repos, Collateral and the Unhappy Swaps Elephant

By |2013-06-17T17:01:13-04:00June 17th, 2013|Federal Reserve/Monetary Policy, Markets|

Following up on the repo warning from two weeks ago, we have gotten confirmation in the form of repo fails. In the US treasury repo market, the primary liquidity conduit in the US dollar wholesale money, we have been seeing indications of dramatic shortages in available collateral for some time. It was first noted back in March in the week [...]

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